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Mozart Credits

The following people played a role in Mozart as it exists today:

People at Alsys (now Aonix) taught me about Ada, programming in the large, and various compiler techniques. They really started it all: XL is largely influenced by Ada, and a good part of my programming style has an Alsys background.

Juan Carlos Arevalo-Baeza (aka JCAB) contributed, among others, a Microsoft Visual C++ 6 port and several significant bug reports. He also is a major contributor to the most interesting discussions on the mailing lists. These contributions earned him the coveted title of Pangalactic General Guru in Second.

People at Axlog taught me about the real world of development. I got there a feel of what I'd like to see in a development system. Also, I built most of my .emacs there :-)

Eric Barrielle and other LISO folks reviewed very early XL specifications, and patiently attended demos of XL's "Hello World" bring-up on a 68040 VME card.

Ingo Bruss submitted a second port to CygWin because I had taken my time to integrate the first one contributed by Bernard Hurley (shame on me). He also submitted several bugs on Moka.

Jean-Marc Chevrot and Eric Lutherer helped me keep the faith and move forward. They also were part of the brainstorming which led to the Mozart name.

Paul and Marina Courbis, after reviewing the first XL specification, made a single comment: "It's nice, but why begin and end? Curly braces are better." This started me thinking about how to make XL coexist with C or even display in C style.

Christophe de Dinechin initiated the project, as a follow up to his previous LX and Xroma projects. His current official role is Pangalactic General Guru in Chief.

Patrick Demichel indirectly suggested the tracer tool.

David Francis pointed out that Java had no assert or "programming by contract" capabilities, hence the assert thin tool.

Bernard Hurley contributed the first CygWin port.

T.K. Lakshman suggested the comments inserted by derivation to track what operations it does. He also chose the ugly pink color they are displayed with.

Attila Lendvai was the first contributor to Mozart. He submitted a BeOS port.

Chris Maitz was the first to suggest focusing on Java, which ultimately led to Moka. He also was an active sponsor of the ideas who helped us clarify many of them.

Alain Miniussi suggested to use an indentation-based syntax for XL. He was volunteered for developing the library. Someday.

Alphabetically last, but certainly not least, Daveed Vandevoorde made numerous contributions, in particular: the Xroma language, the idea to graft on C or C++ a foreign object model, thin tools, active libraries, application-specific optimizations and numerous other application examples.

Copyright Christophe de Dinechin
First published Feb 17, 2000
Version 1.5 (updated 2002/11/21 06:33:17)